Saturday, February 26, 2011

my makeup during jobless

hi guys„its a long time since i’ve been so busy for nothing (hehehe)…actually, i was doing like a house wife in my home, yeah its boring…but im happy to helping my mom. Anyway, i created some makeup..really i want to share in here, but seems i always forgot to open my baby tumblr (i should make a bookmark for this web *sigh)..okay lets begin with the first pict.. 
i just want to created some barbie makeup which is michelle phan did it…im not making any variation for this makeup from tutorial but i just mixed two tutorial from michelle into my makeup..u see the 3 dots under my eyes?u can find that in disney wonderland makeup. Overall..i did a great job, right??haha…
the second pict is liltle ridicilous and the important is i was angry because of my nephew screwed up…here it is
see?kid behind me?she always mess with me, but however„,i love her :)
by the way about this makeup, i brought a new scarf..its very very gorgeous with colours are red, deep blue n white. So i decided to made a makeup with my own idea..i too not really like this makeup because the shape of my eyes weird..but really nice with the colours :). check out for the next picture
i dont know but i really like this makeup, looks naturally like i didnt touch anything except false lashes..its called sexy natural…just applied pink blush on the apple my chick and put the nude lipstick on my lips…mmm by the way..i have a new eyebrows..its look sharpen and liltle helping to hide my circle face :D
i took this picture after i went to my grandma’s house…but i did some touch up on my face..just put a white shimmer eyeshadow in the inner corner of my eyes so thats made my eyes like bright..i was pretty cute that say..i dont know…hahaha…
and the next photos…
i know this creepy :( , but someday im gonna wear this hijab…and i just tried to make some funky moslem..whatt???yeah..i was wondering if i wear this hijab early, because my father begging me to wear hijab as soon as posible….its really a big decision beside i love my hair but i love moslem…i just dont have strong enough “iman”. Funny, because that day my lil sist joined with me…look
and became wild :D….
oh ya…i learned makeup art too inspired by (im forgot whats her name) but really good and easy to do..
do u like it?? or u scared? :D
and the last makeup that i just did yesterday is….
arabian makeup…..ooh i loves it…!!!
hanya beberapa saat setelah gw bangun pagi…tangan gw langsgung pgen dandan..haha…isnt it weird?? lagi gila dandan abis, video dandan ala michelle phan udah gw donlot semua..tiap hari gw belajar teknik2 dandan yang profesional…and well done for me…gw berhasil dan mungkin sedikit lebih bagus dari michelle phan..haha..
entahlah..mungkin hoby gw telat munculnya…tapi gak ada salahnya juga gw selalu pengen belajar…tapi gak belajar biologi lagi… :(
tapi yang paling penting, gw selalu ingin belajar…ga ngebuang waktu percuma dengan diem di laptop seharian„im doing good now, after my bestfriend left me, they were humiliated me right to my face, but i dont give up..thx friends, wherever u was hurting me, but u gave me some lesson to respect people, to not waste time. Even im aloner now, but im happier than past…thx u so much qutex :)

my name is Lestari Aprilianty Hakim, Ssi

tgl 10 Januari 2011, cowo gw dateng buat nemenin gw sidang skripsi. dan alhamdulillah gw lulus dan menyandang gelar Ssi (sarjana sains) skr. Gw seneng bgt karena dia bisa dateng buat nenangin gw pas mau sidang, semangatin gw. Tapi gw seneng bgt apalagi terkhir dia ngasih tas yang gw pengen di planet surf.makin sayang gw ma u bujas…